
Wednesday, September 3, 2014


My Minnesota - August edition

August was an extremely busy month for me so my photos here are pretty limited and most likely if you follow me on fb or instagram you have already seen them. Hopefully Septmember will be a little less crazy and filled with a lot more cuteness!
Oh and before I forget....we have some new members to our blog circle so don't forget to look at all the links and say hello to our new talent!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


My Minnesota - July edition

Thanks for stopping by to see what went on in July for me! I went from having no images to having some good variety. Thankfully we have had some really nice weather...none of that muggy crap :)
The first image is from our camping trip for the 4th of July. I was too lazy to get my camera out much past this photo. (beer will do that to you haha)

Saturday, June 28, 2014


My Minnesota - June edition

I have to admit I was a little lazy this month at getting out my big camera. I finally decided I should make myself take Calvin to one of my favorite spots and see if we could get a few good shots for this post. (disclaimer: I don't intentionally leave out his siblings...they are with their other parents this weekend)

I just love nearly every photo!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


My Minnesota - May edition

Hi Everyone!
This is what May looked like for us! Spring is finally here and we were able to go to an awesome birthday party at Tommy's Zoo and go camping at our favorite place for Memorial Day weekend. We had a blast!......sorry for the overload of photos :)
Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to check out my good friend Megan's blog from Rocky Loves Penny!! You can find her blog here and her Facebook page here



Now go see what Megan has been up to this month! Her Facebook page is here and Blog here

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


My Minnesota - April edition

This is my very first post with a lovely and talented group of photographers ALL from Minnesota!  The goal is to show you our view of what Minnesota looks like...the good, the bad, and the ugly!....but mostly the good :)

I really wanted to get outside and do some shooting, but the weather has just made it really tough lately. So the images below are of one of our many snow days.

Dad was out shoveling because our snowblower belt broke *again* and since Calvin's siblings were busy doing big kid things... he decided to play with straws and do toddler things.

Once you are finished peeking at my images...please head on over to Tim N Madie's blog here and facebook page here!

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Newborn | Baby Juliana is here!

Juliana Debra Hillstrom
born March 29, 2014
at 8:16 a.m.

She weighed in at 7lbs 15oz and 20inches long

Welcome to the world baby girl! You are loved by so many.

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