
Wednesday, September 3, 2014


My Minnesota - August edition

August was an extremely busy month for me so my photos here are pretty limited and most likely if you follow me on fb or instagram you have already seen them. Hopefully Septmember will be a little less crazy and filled with a lot more cuteness!
Oh and before I forget....we have some new members to our blog circle so don't forget to look at all the links and say hello to our new talent!

Now please head on over and see what August looked like for Sarah! Don't forget to follow the circle and see what our entire group has to share :)


  1. Love, love that back lit sibling love!! Sweet captures!!

  2. Gorgeous August images Christa!!! Really loving that kissing image, so sweet!

  3. Christa, I cannot get over that first image! What a sweet memory they will cherish forever!!! Love them all!

  4. I love that first one too!!! Aww!!!


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